Context - Historical overview

Framework-Historical Background

The Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) program is the foundation of trauma care by teaching a common proven effective code and a common effective approach. It was introduced in 1980 by the American College of Surgeons (ACS), which is the body that certifies the course. It is taught in 80 countries and has been taught to over 1 million doctors. It has been developed in our country since 1993, by the ATLS National Center in Patras. Since 2015, an ATLS seminar has been implemented in Greece, which for the first time in the world was taught to final students of Medicine. This initiative of the Hellenic ATLS was carried out with great success as a pilot for 600 final medical students with financial support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

The ATLS program, as well as a set of trauma management training programs, are implemented in accordance with Law 4655/2020 (Government Gazette 16/A31-1-2020) as amended by Law 4702/2020 (Government Gazette 130/A3-7-2020) , exclusively donated by the SNF in a five-year pilot phase. Collaborating bodies are the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), the Company of Health Units (AEMY SA), the Ministry of Health and Regeneration & Progress (R&P), which has been appointed responsible for the financial management and technical supervision of the of these programs. After the five years have passed, the financial support continues with resources from the Ministry of Health.

About the seminar

In accordance with Law 4702/2020, the 2 days-subsidized ATLS seminar, is addressed to 6th year Medical School students who do not have due compulsory courses from previous years and graduates who have up to 3 due compulsory courses only from the 6th year.

Βασισμένο στις αρχές εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων, η εκπαίδευση είναι διαδραστική, η εξάσκηση γίνεται σε προπλάσματα και σε υποδυόμενους ασθενείς με τη χρήση σεναρίων από πιστοποιημένους εκπαιδευτές.

ATLS teaches established and commonly accepted treatment methods. It approaches trauma care in a systematic way, presenting the physician with a comprehensive method of prioritizing, assessing, and managing the care of the injured patient.

ATLS was developed by the Trauma Committee of the American College of Surgeons, is revised every 4 years to incorporate all developments, and objective criteria have been established for successful completion of the program.

The theoretical part is shared with the Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN) program and includes 13 co-taught ATLS and ATCN lectures.

The seminar structure promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and a team approach to multitrauma care. Concurrent training of physicians and nurses helps develop a common code and practice that promotes interprofessional collaboration and optimizes the outcome of the injured.

Based on the principles of adult education, the training is interactive, practiced on models and pretend patients using scenarios by certified trainers.

The ATLS course provides participants with the basic knowledge necessary to:

  • Assess the patient’s condition quickly and accurately
  • Resuscitate and stabilize the patient based on priorities
  • Determine if the patient’s needs exceed the capabilities of the particular hospital
  • Take appropriate measures to ensure the definitive treatment of the patient
  • Ensure the provision of the best possible care

The core medical content is taught through interactive methods during the Student Course.

ATLS is a very intensive program, which requires excellent preparation and study of the ATLS Student Course Manual / 10th Edition, so that the active participation of the trainees is possible.

The trainees, in order to prepare properly, receive:

  • One month before the start of the seminar, the ATLS training manual.
  • Multiple choice questions that they are asked to answer, in order to help them in their peparation, to understand the philosophy of the program and to assess their level.

The ATLS Student Course requires full attendance of the entire program, successful completion of the skills at the various stations and correct answers to 75% of the written test questions. Finally, the trainee will be evaluated on the correct treatment, in real time, of a virtual casualty.

Upon successful completion of the seminar, the participant is given certification by the American College of Surgeons with 4-year international validity.

Requirements - Required supporting documents

For students:

  1. identity card type photo
  2. Certificate of analytical score
  3. Responsible Declaration Form or through GOV.GR TO Trauma Edu, where it will state:
    I am a 6th year student and do not owe compulsory courses from previous years or • I am a graduate, have no compulsory courses due from previous years and have up to 3 compulsory courses due from 6th year.

Cancelation Policy

Cancellation and Refund of Token Subscription can be made up to 60 days before the start date of the seminar and if the book has not been received by the person concerned.

In the event of a request to postpone the participation of the interested party, for an important reason, from a seminar that has already been registered, it is possible to attend a subsequent one based on the dates that will be informed by the Trauma Edu management team.

If the interested party postpones his participation for the second time loses the right to the subsidy.


The following are the planned training seminars. Please select a seminar to visit to the relevant page with detailed information about the specific seminar.

Τraining team

Χειρουργός- Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής
Καθηγητής Χειρουργικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης
Επικουρικός Αναισθησιολόγος ΒΓΝΗ
Προϊσταμένη πανεπιστημιακής κλινικής καρδιάς, αγγείων, θώρακα/ανάνηψης καρδιοχειρουργικών ασθενών α.κ.α. M.Sc. PhD. Πανεπιστημιακό νοσοκομείο Λάρισας.
Χειρουργός, Επιμελητής Α , ΓΝ Βόλου
Διευθυντής ΕΣΥ Γενικός Χειρουργός
Επ. Καθ. Χειρουργικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης
Επιμελητής Α Χειρουργικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης
Ειδικευόμενη Χειρουργικής - MD MSc (c)PhD FACS mESCP
Προϊσταμένη πανεπιστημιακής κλινικής καρδιάς, αγγείων, θώρακα/ανάνηψης καρδιοχειρουργικών ασθενών α.κ.α. M.Sc. PhD. Πανεπιστημιακό νοσοκομείο Λάρισας.