Scrub Nurses Training
Scrub Nurses

Background - Historical Review
The Scrub Nurses Training program is based on the principles of the programs of the AO Trauma Foundation which is the world’s leading force in orthopaedic trauma education and training. Tens of thousands of surgeons and nurses have been trained in these carefully designed programs that include lectures, hands-on practice, small discussion groups on clinical scenarios, cadaver labs and webinars. The national center of AO Foundation, AOTrauma Chapter Greece, was founded in 2010 and since then has organized more than 30 seminars.
The operating room nurse (Scrub nurse) is a specialist nurse who works in the operating room as an assistant during the operation in order to serve the immediate needs of the operating room. In this way, a smooth progress of the operation is ensured, complications are minimized and the sterile field and the cost and time effective operation of the operating room are maintained.
Scrub Nurses are often required to be on call during evenings, weekends, holidays and nights for emergency surgery, which can occur at any time (24/7/365). In large hospitals they may specialize in a particular type of surgery, such as cardiac, orthopaedic or general. As a rule, however, nurses are not permanently assigned to a specific specialty (eg Orthopaedics, Urology, etc.) but must move frequently without having the opportunity to improve their skills. Despite the fact that they play an important role in saving lives and improving the health of surgical patients, in Greece there is no further planned training for nurses after graduation.
Scrub Nursing is an extremely demanding yet immediately rewarding nursing specialty.
The role of Scrub Nurses is to:
- Thorough inspection and supervision of aseptic process
- Preparation of the operating room and surgical tools for the operation.
- Excellent team spirit
- Excellent problem solving and critical thinking skills
- Excellent communication skill.
- Predictive ability. Identifying and meeting operating room and surgeon needs before they are even expressed if possible.
- Strength under pressure.
The Scrub Nurses Training program, as well as a set of training programs related to trauma management are implemented in accordance with Law 4655/2020 (Government Gazette 16A /31-1-2020), as amended by Law 4702/2020 (Government Gazette 130A/3 -7-2020 ), with an exclusive donation from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) in a five-year pilot phase. Collaborating bodies are the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), the Ministry of Health and Regeneration & Progress (R &P), which has been appointed responsible for the financial management and technical supervision of these programs. After the five years have passed, the financial support continues with resources from the Ministry of Health.
About the seminar
The Scrub Nurses Training seminar offers cultivation and development of nurses with certified training in this field and is aimed at graduate nurses working in public or private surgeries.
Learners will be able to:
- To design the appropriate care plan for patients in a perioperative environment
- Prepare and use appropriate instruments and implants for fracture management
- Use professional networks to share ideas and provide support
Three different learning methods are used in the seminar. Lectures on the theoretical part. Practical exercise and small group discussions in the context of interactive learning.
Conditions – Required Documents
Public Sector Operating Room Nurses:
1) Photo (ID Card type)
2) Copy of degree
3) Certificate from your employer that you are employed as an operating room nurse